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South College is here to give you the tools and direction you need to make your vision a reality!

Getting Started

Now that we’ve discussed your academic and career goals, your motivation, and your plan for success, it’s time for the next step. With our experienced staff helping you along the way, here’s what you’ll need to do now:

  • Complete your application to South College
  • Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Arrange a consultation with a Financial Aid Officer to discuss your financial award and paperwork
  • Work with admissions to gather your documentation and fulfill all requirements for enrolling in your classes

Apply Now

Preparing for Classes

After you are officially enrolled at South College, you can access your orientation course to:

  • Get familiar with the online learning environment by completing the South College online student orientation
  • Visit the online library and bookstore
  • Download the software you’ll need for your classes
  • View important information like technology requirements and your student handbook
  • Find valuable tips for online learners
  • And more!

Strategies for Success

  • Develop a daily schedule that works for you. Plan to spend 1–2 hours on school per day.
  • Prepare your study space—find a spot where you can be productive without distractions.
  • Check with your Success Advisor to ensure you have all the materials and tech you need to get started.
  • Prioritize and plan ahead. You never know when an unexpected internet outage or sickness might slow you down, so avoid waiting until the last minute for your work.
  • Get the most out of your classes by actively participating in projects and course discussions.
  • Remember, you are not alone! Your advisor, instructors, and classmates are a great support system, so don’t be afraid to ask questions or request help. No one expects you to understand everything right away.

By committing to South College, you’re taking a big step toward building the future of your dreams. With your hard work and dedication—and the support of the South College faculty and staff—the goals you’ve set are within reach!